Communication Maekrting
位置: Tokyo, Tokyo JP
ジョブ番号: 937
This position will be involved in HRM operations, with a focus on overall Compensation & Benefit operations and HRIS (HR management system data maintenance and specification changes).
Specifically, you will be responsible for compensation system changes, planning, and operations, and will be expected to work as a specialist in C&B and labor operations. Details are as follows
C&B related: Setting up job profiles and responding to changes in the compensation system, etc., maintaining job descriptions, and participating in compensation-related projects throughout APJ (e.g., changes to incentive plans).
HRIS management: Data management using Workday, HR management system, and operation of specification changes, etc.
Retirement and Pension: Defined benefit corporate pension plan, defined contribution pension plan, operation of the plan, financial education for employees, and operations related to the hiring and discharge procedures.
Other: Issuance of certificates, assistance with payroll calculation, assistance with social insurance procedures, management of personnel-related regulations, etc.
ジョブ番号: 937
コミュニティステータス: Communication Maekrting
Location_formattedLocationLong: Tokyo, Tokyo JP