Whole Vehicle & Approval Testing Dept._Testing & Electronics
位置: Atsugi, Kanagawa JP
ジョブ番号: 1311
Purpose of Whole Vehicle & Approval Testing Dept. is the extensive whole vehicle systems and function testing and their approval / release in Japan and Korea for Whole Vehicle Development and Quality Assurance divisions. Ahead of the vehicle projects SOP, the local systems validation towards a complaint and bug free vehicle system and their release on-time is the key success factor for the local market introduction and customer satisfaction.
This position is responsible for securing high standard quality in prototype and pre-series vehicle operation by assuring a smooth operation of activities and realizing administrative, operational as well as supporting tasks. Job stopper issues in the daily and Workshop shift operation are identified, analyzed and solved self-responsibly.
ジョブ番号: 1311
コミュニティステータス: Whole Vehicle & Approval Testing Dept._Testing & Electronics
Location_formattedLocationLong: Atsugi, Kanagawa JP